In early 2021, we were busy collaborating on our first caps with headwear specialists Fractel.
Together we created the ultimate running cap. Ultra-lightweight, uniquely pliable, breathable and offering UVF protection.
But the question remained: what colours should we use to elevate these hyper-technical pieces?
Off-White was immediately chosen as it was clear that it would resonate with our runners.
The second colour took a little longer.
We sought a tone crisp enough to give it an edge, but with enough saturation to add an urban intensity.
Enter Cobalt Blue.
Cobalt is a silvery-blue metal in its raw form, and was used in Chinese porcelain and Babylon ceramic glazes because of the vibrant hue created when fired.
Chemist Louis Jacques Thénard created a synthetic version of the colour in the early 1800s, which was later made famous by Jardin Majorelle, the one-time estate of Yves Saint Laurent in Marrakesh.
Naturally our Cobalt Blue deviates a touch from the norm, but would it really be Acid Running if the palette wasn’t a little colder than everyone else’s?